Scores and Comments

Lynn University, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score621.000
Average Score88.714

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 34 27 17 10 88
Berry Shawn 32 23 17 10 82
Copher Daniel 37 27 19 10 93
Dwyer Kara 34 28 18 10 90
Ivey Aisha 38 28 17 9 92
Scherber Ryan 32 24 17 10 83
Wilcox Laura 37 27 19 10 93


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 88.000
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Berry Shawn - Score: 82.000
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Copher Daniel - Score: 93.000
Good specific outreach goals to the schools
Dwyer Kara - Score: 90.000
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Ivey Aisha - Score: 92.000
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Scherber Ryan - Score: 83.000


  • The first goal is laudable, but actually two different goals.  It would make for a stronger application to re-write this application to keep each goal focused upon one aim. The second goal is also good, but very broad.  You may want to re-frame this goal to focus on the public masterclasses as that is the most appealing use of grant funds in this context.


  • Provide more details about the mentor program.  How many students in the school receive lessons? Are instruments provided for those students who do not own any?
  • The Cancer Center program also needs more details.  This and the school based mentorship are very appealing to grant panels and often organizations will use grant funding to support these projects while re-appropriating non-grant funds for items such as instrument purchase/repair.  It's best not to included expenses like these in a grant application as public funds are best spent on items directly affecting the proposal, e.g., the number of performances at the Cancer Center
  • M/P: More specifics here are needed.  Include social medial like/followers, size of mailing list, number of campaigns, etc.


  • Evaluation Plan: Include more detail about the evaluation models for the mentor series and how data from the model will affect future programming. Thank you for including the pre- and post-assessment forms. It would be good to see student and parent reviews as well.
Wilcox Laura - Score: 93.000
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