Scores and Comments

Fort Walton Beach Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score603.000
Average Score86.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 35 30 20 10 95
Berry Shawn 38 26 18 6 88
Copher Daniel 35 20 15 10 80
Dwyer Kara 38 28 19 6 91
Ivey Aisha 36 25 18 8 87
Scherber Ryan 35 23 16 6 80
Wilcox Laura 39 28 10 5 82


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 95.000

Nicely organized proposal w/unique coaching opportunities and intergenerational involvement planned 

The supporting historical document relating to the event was descriptive and gave a good overview

Will the funding for the website development involve any students working on the web development team? 

What are the additional funds for technical/production to be used for (recording? video? sound system?)

Berry Shawn - Score: 88.000

I would recommend you do the Section 504 Self evaluation as well as a staff person for accessibility compliance. This would give you a higher score. 

Copher Daniel - Score: 80.000
Dwyer Kara - Score: 91.000

Would like to have seen an example of surveys used to solicit feedback.

Accessibility: Low score due to light accessibility efforts description, no Section 504 Self Evaluation, no staff person for accessibility compliance. 

Ivey Aisha - Score: 87.000
{No comments provided.}
Scherber Ryan - Score: 80.000


  • Be cautious with conflating a missing statement with a proposal synopsis.  The mission should be a pithy statement incorporating the broad overview of the organization.
  • Similarly, avoid conflating goals and objectives.  Goals should be broader statements each with clearly delineated objectives that are fully measurable in nature.  Here, your "goals" are actually objectives and no goals are listed.  
  • More information about "innovative teaching" and "big chorus sound" should be incorporated into this description.  Unsure if everyone will only be in quartets or if there is a large choral component.  
  • More detail about what the actual event looks like would be beneficial.  The timeline is good and the aims are understandable, but I still do not have a sense of what the actual event looks like.
  • The detailed timeline is greatly appreciated.


  • A list of "nationally renowned coaches and teachers" along with their bios would be greatly beneficial in assessing the impact of this proposal.  Currently, it is difficult to determine who will be in attendance and their national profile.
  • To what extent is local economic impact assessed?  While the approximate numbers of non-locals are helpful, details relating to hotel stays or restaurant attendance is helpful to determine local economic impact.
  • The outreach opportunities are wonderful, but how is the feedback?  Here, participant survey results or affirmations would be hugely beneficial as an outside reviewer to assess impact of this program.
  • Marketing and promotion plans are very weak.  Much more detail is needed here.  Such items to consider may include:
    • Which social media sites and what is the reach of each service (likes, follows, etc.)
    • How many newspapers?  # of Articles, print ads, etc.?
    • What is the timeline of marketing?  Which items happen when and how early before the event?
    • How many classroom visits have been scheduled and completed annually?  What is the number of teachers and students are reached through this program?


  • There is no cogent evaluation plan evident.  Examples of what would be good to see in this application:
    • How is feedback solicited?  Questionnaires, anecdotal, returning numbers of participants?
    • How is feedback evaluated and by whom?
    • What changes have been made in the past due to feedback?  Which strengths and weaknesses have been identified?
  • Budget: How are there no administrative or programmatic personnel expenses for an organization of this size?
  • It would be good to see more governmental support.  Applying for this grant is a good way to start that process!
  • The music portion of the grant request seems very low for a proposal of this size.
  • Great idea for website development.



Wilcox Laura - Score: 82.000
{No comments provided.}