Scores and Comments

Southwest Florida Symphony Orchestra and Chorus Association, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score628.000
Average Score89.714

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 37 28 18 10 93
Berry Shawn 37 26 19 10 92
Copher Daniel 36 30 17 10 93
Dwyer Kara 35 26 16 9 86
Ivey Aisha 39 28 18 9 94
Scherber Ryan 32 24 12 10 78
Wilcox Laura 37 25 20 10 92


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 93.000
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Berry Shawn - Score: 92.000
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Copher Daniel - Score: 93.000
Goals are not specific. Youth outreach, youth orchestra and discover club are good programs.
Dwyer Kara - Score: 86.000
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Ivey Aisha - Score: 94.000
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Scherber Ryan - Score: 78.000


  • While the list of programming is appreciated (particularly the diversity of offerings), specific goals and measurable objectives were not included and left to be extrapolated from the remaining information.  Broad goals and their associated specific/measurable objectives (used to meet the goals) are essential for an organization's vision and annual planning process.  As example, the one stated objective referring to attracting a younger more diverse audience is actually a goal while the mashup and other activities would be consider the actual objective.


  • How might the organization seek to diversify its audience?
  • Besides data from the Arts and Economic Impact survey, which metrics does the organization maintain?  Here it would be good to see hotel stays, out of town patrons, restaurant affiliations, and percentages of dollars spent locally.
  • M/P: The plan is solid, but other than the 7K brochures, specifics are not included.  The organization should consider including how many campaigns may be utilized, size of database, social media likes/followers, etc.


  • In the evaluation plan, the utilized surveys should be uploaded into supplemental materials as well as data on how these instruments along with others inform future planning.
  • Budget: All three years included in the budget document show deficits ($146K, $105K, and $22K respectively) including the project next fiscal year, but no explanation was given.  More details here are absolutely necessary.
Wilcox Laura - Score: 92.000
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