Scores and Comments

Symphony of the Americas, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score516.000
Average Score86.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 32 27 18 10 87
Berry Shawn 37 27 17 10 91
Copher Daniel
Dwyer Kara 35 27 18 9 89
Ivey Aisha 36 27 16 9 88
Scherber Ryan 31 23 17 10 81
Wilcox Laura 32 23 15 10 80


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 87.000

Vague references in the grant were confusing (some free tickets, without explaining to who or what kind of criteria).

Clarifying information for parts of the grant were nicely explained in the variety of supporting documents. Some references were not current and difficult to follow in the Long Range Plan/Mission Statement results (in italics)

How is Special Olympics involved as a partner w/the SOA?

Who is the 3rd party presenter that handled ticket sales?

Please reference the abbreviations. FAU, FIU, BC, NSU.

Berry Shawn - Score: 91.000
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Copher Daniel - Score: 0
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Dwyer Kara - Score: 89.000
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Ivey Aisha - Score: 88.000
Shortened words on the application (Int'l, perf, etc) were distracting and seemed too informal or rushed.
Scherber Ryan - Score: 81.000


  • This narrative section is very difficult to read.  It seems to be a run down of the season and desires of the organization, but does not explicitly state goals and their associated measurable objectives.  It is left to the reviewer to discern the aims.  The structure of this application should be re-written and re-organized for future submissions. It appears editing was not precise either as the timeline was included twice.  Do be cautious.


  • The breadth of impact for multiple populations is quite laudable. However, no local economic impact is noted.


  • Budget: How is the completed fiscal year's budget perfectly balanced?  This does not seem realistic.
Wilcox Laura - Score: 80.000
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