Scores and Comments

Miami Music Festival, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score629.000
Average Score89.857

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 38 28 20 10 96
Berry Shawn 39 28 19 9 95
Copher Daniel 37 25 19 10 91
Dwyer Kara 35 26 17 6 84
Ivey Aisha 39 29 19 9 96
Scherber Ryan 35 27 18 7 87
Wilcox Laura 33 24 15 8 80


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 96.000

Is # 5 "Outside Fees and Services: Other" accurate for current fiscal year? ($20,000 vs $120,000?)

Reason for the increase in space rental for next year?

Berry Shawn - Score: 95.000

You should consider completing the Section 504 Self Evaluation Workbook.


Copher Daniel - Score: 91.000
Interesting focus on Wagner/ Wagner Institute
Dwyer Kara - Score: 84.000
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Ivey Aisha - Score: 96.000
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Scherber Ryan - Score: 87.000


  • The free ticket initiative is wonderful to see.  I would suggest providing more information on this topic as this is definitely a boon to the area.
  • Goal one had many well-delineated objectives.  Continue this level of detail with other goals.


  • How did MMF project 90% of participants are from out of state?  Is this in accordance with previous years?
  • The impact upon the quality of life the community and broad outreach efforts is wonderful.  However, local economic impact is mostly missing. Working with hotel and restaurant partners as well as audience and participant surveys can help uncover this information.


  • Thank you for including the survey in the supplemental materials! This is an excellent addition and very helpful.
  • What caused the deficit in the most recent completed fiscal year?  No details were provided. Additionally, why the large increases in administrative costs?
  • Very nice to see grant funds going towards the proposal and not administrative overhead.

Accessibility: Based on the provided rubric, point had to be reduced for lack of section 504 self evaluation.  Do complete this to get easy points towards your grant applications.

Wilcox Laura - Score: 80.000
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