Scores and Comments

Young Performing Artists Corporation

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score506.000
Average Score84.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Emilia Maria 38 30 20 10 98
Engerran Kathy 33 27 17 9 86
Johnson Linda 20 23 15 9 67
Ruley Suzanne 35 28 19 8 90
Turrell Nancy 32 24 16 8 80
Webber Emma 32 26 18 9 85


Emilia Maria - Score: 98.000
{No comments provided.}
Engerran Kathy - Score: 86.000

Would recommend being more specific about what your arts and cultural programs actually consist of  - you mention an RHEAP art appreciation class - need more details on other programs.

Good job on initiating Constant Contact email blasts. Make sure you have a "Sign up for Emails" on your website and that it dumps the signup emails into your Constant Contact lists.

Thank you for budget explanation.

You offer programs important for your rural area.

Please watch your formatting.

Johnson Linda - Score: 67.000
State the proposed project in concise and direct language. Reduce the repetitive use of adjectives and narrative that does not apply directly to the project for which funds are being requested. The Goals, Objectives and Activities narrative failed to provide a clear understanding of the activities that the grant would support.  Goals and objectives were not clearly articulated in support of the title of the grant "Young Performing Artist Cooperation" or the mission statement "To identify and address the specialized needs of young (up to 22 yrs. old) performing and visual artists as well as provide creative solutions to youth development."  There is too much discussion about elder and senior programs and too little discussion that focuses on the youth programs offered. The title and mission need to tie clearly to the whole proposal. 
Ruley Suzanne - Score: 90.000
For an organization whose mission is to serve young people there is a lot of activities at The Villages.
Turrell Nancy - Score: 80.000
Narrative was hard to follow. Mission statement doesn't match up to program narrative in a clear way. 
Webber Emma - Score: 85.000
  • Outside of the facility tour, proposed activities are not made clear in the application.
  • Program goals are too broad and are not accompanied by an evaluation method.