Scores and Comments

Sosyete Koukouy of Miami, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score545.000
Average Score90.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Emilia Maria 38 30 17 10 95
Engerran Kathy 38 28 19 10 95
Johnson Linda 32 22 18 10 82
Ruley Suzanne 38 28 17 9 92
Turrell Nancy 39 28 16 10 93
Webber Emma 40 23 15 10 88


Emilia Maria - Score: 95.000

The proposal would have benefited from:

-More detailed Timeline

-Specifics to justify ambitious budget projections such as the anticipated increase ($20,000 to $100,000) of private funding.

Engerran Kathy - Score: 95.000

Solid sustainable programming.

Strong marketing collaborations.


Johnson Linda - Score: 82.000
Proposal activities do not occur during the dates July 1, 2018- June 30, 2019. The timeline indicates the festival will be May 26 and 27, 2018. Assuming the dates are incorrect and the festival funding will be for May 2019, the proposed book festival has merit and would enrich the cultural offerings of the area.
Ruley Suzanne - Score: 92.000
{No comments provided.}
Turrell Nancy - Score: 93.000

Information about the drastic change from current fiscal year as compared to the previous and the future would have helped the management score. 

Appreciate that the proposal impact addressed the cultural sector's impact on the economy leading into the role this organization plays; however, I would recommend using Americans for the Arts online Economic Impact calculator so you can state the impact of this single event within the greater scope of Miami-Dade County. 

Webber Emma - Score: 88.000
  • Number of individuals that will benefit seems quite low for the number of proposed events
  • Arts & Economic Prosperity calculations are incorrect based on the proposed budget and impact numbers
  • Significant changes in budget from one FY to the next without explanation (If the partnership with Miami Book Fair is the result of the decrease in programmatic costs, why the increase for next year? Will this partnership only provide those in-kind services for one year? And why is it only $15,000 In-Kind reported?)