Scores and Comments

Tradisyon Lakou Lakay, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score488.000
Average Score81.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Emilia Maria 34 26 18 8 86
Engerran Kathy 36 28 19 7 90
Johnson Linda 30 22 14 3 69
Ruley Suzanne 33 27 16 4 80
Turrell Nancy 28 24 15 6 73
Webber Emma 38 27 18 7 90


Emilia Maria - Score: 86.000
{No comments provided.}
Engerran Kathy - Score: 90.000

Providing much-needed services in underserved area.

Reasonable budget.

Johnson Linda - Score: 69.000
<p>Proofread the proposal before submitting. The title is for a Summer Intensive Institute, the Synopsis os for a winter concert and spring recital. There needs to be a consistency to the proposal. Admission is a budget income item, do children who attend the summer intensive do so at a subsidized rate? &nbsp;If not, how is this serving the children that reside in low income families?</p><p>TLL needs a accessibility evaluation.</p>
Ruley Suzanne - Score: 80.000

30% growth over 2 years in budget.

no accessibility description - 504 not reviewed.

No economic impact of organization described - please use Americans for the Arts economic impact calculator.

You do vital work for this community. 

Please have someone review the grant application for proper grammar and ease of the reader. The work you do is worth the extra time!

Turrell Nancy - Score: 73.000
Proposal description is weak and without clearly defined objectives. Evaluation description is vague. Marketing and Promotion efforts are limited. Proposal impact section does not address key elements. 
Webber Emma - Score: 90.000
  • Unexplained variances in the budget
  • Partial credit awarded on Accessibility - Indicated NO on the 504 workbook, but the organization and programs are designed to reach underserved youth and be accessible to the community