Scores and Comments

Gullah Geechee Group, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score485.000
Average Score80.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Emilia Maria 33 27 18 10 88
Engerran Kathy 34 24 16 7 81
Johnson Linda 25 19 15 8 67
Ruley Suzanne 34 23 16 7 80
Turrell Nancy 31 25 16 9 81
Webber Emma 36 30 13 9 88


Emilia Maria - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Engerran Kathy - Score: 81.000

Listed website is not Gullah Geechee Group website.

I don't understand the inclusion / relationship between the Little Haiti Community Needs Assessment and the Mende FF - not explained or connected in narrative.

Suggest that you put evaluation form itself as an attachment and provide narrative description of more comprehensive evaluation efforts beyond just surveying attendees.

The questions regarding accessibility are not about listing other entities policies and regulations; but about what you as an organization to to make your programs accessible.


Johnson Linda - Score: 67.000
There are inconsistencies in the proposal material. The proposal identifies two events, Oct. 6 and Dec. 1. yet in the IMPACT area it indicates 28 proposal events. It also indicates 400 school based youth will benefit, but the proposal did not discuss partnerships, invitations or events held at or with any schools. How will this benefit older adults? How are 100 artist involved? The proposal only mentions 6 artisans most of whom are from out-of-state.
Ruley Suzanne - Score: 80.000

no measureable economic impact, evaluation included one survey - it is not an evaluation plan, its a sample document.

There are huge growths in parts of the budget. Please explain the growth and how you will achieve it.

Why did you list the county's ADA policy? the org should have their own. You dont need to  include the actual policy - just talk about what you do and how you evaluate it to improve.

You asked in the panel what you can do to increase your scores. What I would consider is looking at the panel scores from previous years and find an organization in another category with super high scores, contact their grant writer and ask their help and advise (maybe pay them as a consultant) for guidance on how to strengthen the application.

Use Americans for the Arts Economic Impact Calculator to find out what your impact is, and tell that story in the impact section.

Also consider serving on a panel and you can see it from another perspective. It really is eye opening, and a much needed service!

Turrell Nancy - Score: 81.000
Use of acronyms without definition made narrative a bit confusing. Would appreciate more information/description of the relationship with the venues selected for the festival. Timeline is vague. 
Webber Emma - Score: 88.000
  • Objectives not clearly defined
  • Unexplained significant increase in expenses between last & current FYs.
  • No projected growth for next FY.
  • No other grant/foundation/private support indicated