Scores and Comments

Pioneer Winter Collective, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score541.000
Average Score90.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Emilia Maria 40 30 20 10 100
Engerran Kathy 39 28 19 10 96
Johnson Linda 34 25 17 9 85
Ruley Suzanne 32 26 18 8 84
Turrell Nancy 35 27 18 8 88
Webber Emma 30 28 20 10 88


Emilia Maria - Score: 100.000

Well executed document.


Engerran Kathy - Score: 96.000

Very well written.

Strong partnerships and diverse support.

Very impressive.

Modest budget; makes sense.

Johnson Linda - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
Ruley Suzanne - Score: 84.000

there was no measureable economic impact to the community described or measureable objectives. The evaluation did not describe ongoing efforts to improve ADA. I wondered about the ability for people to get to the locations, regarding parking and walking.

Turrell Nancy - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Webber Emma - Score: 88.000
  • Dates for proposed events not listed, but program concept is well designed and has the community and artistic support
  • Measurable objectives are not mentioned, which would show how the program has grown or changed and to indicate the desired vision as the organization continues.
  • The non-traditional nature of exhibits provides multiple unique opportunities for arts engagement.