Scores and Comments

Miami Shores People of Color, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score479.000
Average Score79.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Emilia Maria 35 29 15 10 89
Engerran Kathy 29 18 15 8 70
Johnson Linda 32 24 15 10 81
Ruley Suzanne 32 23 16 9 80
Turrell Nancy 30 23 16 9 78
Webber Emma 31 22 18 10 81


Emilia Maria - Score: 89.000

Relevant and Worthwhile Concept.

Is this applicant in the correct category? They responded Yes to Multi Disciplinary question



Engerran Kathy - Score: 70.000

While I think the mission and goals of this organization are worthwhile, the arts and cultural aspects of the program are lacking. There is no description of proposed cultural programs, i.e. concerts, exhibitions, etc.

There is mention in budget of musicians and storytellers, but no description of proposed activities.

I do not think the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs is the appropriate funding source for this program.

Disconnect between three-year budget overview and proposal budget - they should relate.

Johnson Linda - Score: 81.000
The mission and goals are admirable, necessary and timely, however the proposal needed to provide a more detailed description of the proposed program events for the grant period. The impact of this event is small, only 120 people identified as benefitting from the discussion series. A track record that show program sustainability is needed that would facilitate a greater impact demographic.
Ruley Suzanne - Score: 80.000

This seems like a wonderful much needed concept.

Art is not part of the mission statement.

There is a huge budget growth that could be unrealistic, especially when the organization is planning on pulling cash match.. where is the cash coming from?

no mention of art until after management section, which seemed like an afterthought.

Turrell Nancy - Score: 78.000
For funding from Division of Cultural Affairs, the program description feels like the use of the arts is a sidebar, not a focus. Arts are not address in mission statement. Impact numbers are small - 15 people per event? 
Webber Emma - Score: 81.000

This is important work and I applaud the organization for its vision and effort. Some remarks about the proposal:

  • The proposal doesn't make clear what the proposed activities are that make up the Unity360 program. 
  • What are the dialogues? How are they conducted? Is there a video/reading/play/demonstration based upon which the discussion is focused?
  • Number of people participating in these sessions seems really low for a year's worth of programming. How is the organization planning to increase the number of participants to reach its intended goal of eradicating racism?
  • How does the organization measure the success of its dialogues? Are there follow up activities or events that can show improvement, or is reach the only currently tracked criteria?