Scores and Comments

Life Enrichment Center, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score529.000
Average Score88.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Emilia Maria 38 25 19 10 92
Engerran Kathy 39 29 15 10 93
Johnson Linda 36 21 17 10 84
Ruley Suzanne 29 26 18 10 83
Turrell Nancy 36 27 15 9 87
Webber Emma 36 28 16 10 90


Emilia Maria - Score: 92.000
{No comments provided.}
Engerran Kathy - Score: 93.000

Recommend incorporating some measurables in Objectives; use some formatting/bullets and then go with narrative.

You accidentally put the bulleted goals referenced above under "Timeline".

Strong impact; good evaluation.

Budget makes sense; extremely strong in-kind.

"Management" area scored down due to very late reporting.

Johnson Linda - Score: 84.000
The project idea has merit. The partnerships for distribution are with established organizations including meals-on-wheels. The project is new and thus does not have a track-record yet, however, the Life Enrichment Center does. This is a good proposal and look forward to seeing a stronger proposal for support in the future as the program as evaluative results.
Ruley Suzanne - Score: 83.000
{No comments provided.}
Turrell Nancy - Score: 87.000
This program could be replicated in communities across the State. Did you come up with this on your own, or has it been done elsewhere?
Webber Emma - Score: 90.000
  • How will the organization track whether or not intended participants actually complete or engage with the project? If participants learned/gained new skills? And if the program has the intended health benefits?
  • Program reach may well exceed 800-100 if kits are made available online - how will the organization track and monitor these participants?
  • Some line items in the budget significantly increased over between last and current fiscal years. Causation?