Scores and Comments

Mind&Melody, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score545.000
Average Score90.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Emilia Maria 38 29 17 10 94
Engerran Kathy 37 25 19 9 90
Johnson Linda 36 21 18 8 83
Ruley Suzanne 39 30 18 10 97
Turrell Nancy 37 20 19 10 86
Webber Emma 35 30 20 10 95


Emilia Maria - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}
Engerran Kathy - Score: 90.000

Broad partnership and collaborations.

Impressive multi-county programming.


Johnson Linda - Score: 83.000
The proposal listed partnerships and collaborations but only provided limited detail about those partnerships. This project identified 120 proposed events that would impact less than 500 people. The potential impact is small however, those impacted derive a high degree of benefit.
Ruley Suzanne - Score: 97.000
{No comments provided.}
Turrell Nancy - Score: 86.000
Only 2 adults per proposal events/participation (245 divided by 120 events)? Seems low based on other information provided in the grant application.
Webber Emma - Score: 95.000
  • Application mentions 3 goals, but only describes activities and evaluations for two.
  • Would have liked to have seen more information about the live performances, and how the program selects and prepares participants for them.