Scores and Comments

Miami Beach Garden Conservancy, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score490.000
Average Score81.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Balog Scott 32 24 17 7 80
Betancourt Javier 28 24 18 3 73
Grundy-Lester Gabrielle 37 24 15 7 83
Hudson-Smith Suzanne 34 24 19 7 84
Suau John 34 20 17 8 79
Vickery Clare 37 27 17 10 91


Balog Scott - Score: 80.000
{No comments provided.}
Betancourt Javier - Score: 73.000

A unique organization for gardening and horticulture with some emphasis on arts and culture. Fiscal sustainability is good and outreach numbers are ample. 

CONCERNS: The proposal is vague and while the organizational detail is clear, what is unclear is how the organization plans to take their funding and develop a program with specific and measurable goals that will be implemented and evaluated within a time frame. There is an element of change that must be clearly observable and is not here. Goals, objectives and activities is a list of past activities. Partnership roles are not discussed, diversity is unclear, artist roles and artists engaged is not adequately discussed, mission syas children but less than 10% of impact is school youth, (5,500 of 95,000). Timeline is vague, not a structured program overall. The proposal reads like a list of events with no structure to tie it together. Accessibility is a basic 2 line statement. Budget has a lot of horticulture and admin without specificity as to what this will accomplish or how it relates to culture and arts. Educational programs are not specific

Grundy-Lester Gabrielle - Score: 83.000

Impact: Listing estimates of people who will attend or be impacted by the offerings of the Garden in this section would help to strengthen the proposal. As well, circulation or reach of the notable magazines that featured the Garden would also help. If the Garden receives funding from the State, it would be a good thing to note this on the new website or on collateral materials such as your newsletter sample. Efforts to improve or describe accessibility stronger, would also be helpful.


Overall, nice proposal that represented the Garden and it's offerings well.

Hudson-Smith Suzanne - Score: 84.000
{No comments provided.}
Suau John - Score: 79.000

Only one broad goal stated. More defined goals and objectives needed.

Without clear goals and objectives, measurement of success by evaluation is not possible.

Lots of impact narrative but very little information provided on what  impact the offerings have on the community or contribute economically.

Vickery Clare - Score: 91.000
It would be nice to see more of the grant funds used towards artistic programming within the gardens vs large chunks going to administrative, marketing and other non artistic applications when there appears to be a great opportunity to use the funds towards some of the international cultural themed horticultural events/creations.