Scores and Comments

Gateway Center for the Arts, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score502.000
Average Score83.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Balog Scott 27 26 19 8 80
Betancourt Javier 35 25 13 9 82
Grundy-Lester Gabrielle 33 27 15 10 85
Hudson-Smith Suzanne 37 27 15 9 88
Suau John 36 23 16 9 84
Vickery Clare 34 24 16 9 83


Balog Scott - Score: 80.000
{No comments provided.}
Betancourt Javier - Score: 82.000

Good summer camps, good structured detailed specific activities, good fiscal sustainability, good accessibility and inclusion; 

CONCERNS: need detail on corporate and sponsorship in fiscal; the quarterly structure is repetitive in the fiscal, marketing and impact sections; school numbers are low at 175; need more detail on the artistry; need more detail on partner roles, evaluation program in limited and needs more structure; Budget lacks detail what is outside services other? Why is storage needed?

Grundy-Lester Gabrielle - Score: 85.000

Impact and Marketing: There is no data to substantiate the information provided in these areas, even if estimated.

Management: Confusing to see an anticipated $60K increase in operating income in the next fiscal year with a statement that "the majority of this year has been a challenge".

Hudson-Smith Suzanne - Score: 88.000
Questioning the extensions on the tax returns for current year and 1516 under the management
Suau John - Score: 84.000

Impact data needs to have specific numbers.

The evaluations listed are good but do not directly measure the goals and objectives listed.

Including an evaluation of the learning taking place could strengthen the application.

Vickery Clare - Score: 83.000
It looks like there is a strong budget and great political support but in the attachments I didn't see any quality art per se. I didn't see a video of past productions (maybe I missed that somehow) and compelling photographs of exhibits from the art camps. I'd like to see more evidence of substantive art based on such a strong budget and political support from the community.