Scores and Comments

Gulfshore Ballet, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score426.000
Average Score85.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 35 30 17 10 92
Davis Tenaj 38 25 18 10 91
Jenkins David 34 24 18 9 85
Klein Kathleen 35 20 15 10 80
Schnell Adam 32 23 15 8 78


Andree Dale - Score: 92.000
Impressive media kit, application shows effort to create community connections and build relationships, video is insufficient, excellence score is based on the reputations of the directors, need better video showcasing the students and performances, who are the guest artists?  need to be specific
Davis Tenaj - Score: 91.000

Not sure about the impact. Impact activities look like objectives.  

Educational outreach is weak.

The processes, procedures and instruments by which evaluation is measured are weak


Jenkins David - Score: 85.000

Your goals, objectives, and activities are very well laid out!

I like seeing measurable growth goals in your proposal impact, but I am not exactly sure what those percentages mean because you didn't give me overall impact or any other specifics than giving me your budget size.

Marketing and Promotion: I appreciate that for the first few points you give hard numbers, please do that for the others -- especially 6-8.

Klein Kathleen - Score: 80.000
Schnell Adam - Score: 78.000
This application is very light on details. GSB is asking for nearly $44,000 from the state, and I see no mention in your proposal budget of any revenue from performance admission fees. This is a glaring omission. Additionally, where are your efforts (beyond outreach performances) to document scholarships you provide to students, or efforts to engage student populations that cannot contribute to your very healthy tuition budget. I have an extremely hard time recommending funding here.