Scores and Comments

Emotions Dance Incorporated

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score429.000
Average Score85.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 32 25 18 10 85
Davis Tenaj 40 27 20 10 97
Jenkins David 33 24 18 9 84
Klein Kathleen 34 25 16 8 83
Schnell Adam 32 24 16 8 80


Andree Dale - Score: 85.000
video collages don't give a sufficient opportunity to view the choreography, usually a 3 minute unedited segment is the best, very nice brochure reflects a well managed organization, projected budget for 2018 doesn't seem to take into account monies for proposed projects covered by this grant for 2018, still photos carry a dynamic not realized in videos, I feel the energy and passion of this group and their commitment to their community, however their success would be greatly enhanced by reaching out to mentors for critical choreographic input
Davis Tenaj - Score: 97.000
{No comments provided.}
Jenkins David - Score: 84.000

I appreciate the social/civic mission.

The basic narrative doesn't really key me in on exactly what the funds will be used for?

I would have liked more specific information in Marketing and Promotion. Numbers, reach, etc.

Your total reach numbers seem very impressive considering your overall budget. Good luck!


Klein Kathleen - Score: 83.000

One support letter?


Schnell Adam - Score: 80.000
Please be careful with your proof reading and grammar usage. Less than excellent writing diminishes the impact of your proposal. I applaud your efforts at using dance to impact social change. While I understand you are a small organization, I think your program is perfect for more outreach and education initiatives which would garner you more grant and foundational support to help you grow.