Scores and Comments

NWD Projects, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score336.000
Average Score84.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baboolal Denyse 31 20 18 8 77
Delgado Barbara 30 24 17 10 81
Iles Delma 35 30 17 8 90
Klein Kathleen 35 26 19 8 88


Baboolal Denyse - Score: 77.000
Impact section was fair. did not promote significant cultural services. limited economic impact.    Accessibility was unclear Minimal concerns with financial stability of the org. 
Delgado Barbara - Score: 81.000
Iles Delma - Score: 90.000

Excellent concept

Film will be shown at other sites. what other sites?

Goals sound like philosophical statements rather that directives for action

Impact statement is used to further describe the project rather than addressing impact in a direct manner

NWD claims to change the way people think about about dance and the environment. This is a big assertion. What evidence is there to support this claim?

Good marketing section

Are the administrators paid as independent contractors? Unclear.

There is an expense line item for rehearsals. What is this money for?

The written portion of the proposal gives the impression that events are free, but the budget shows admission income of $3,500. What is the ticketing structure and which events are ticketed? How does this affect accessibility?

Some letters of support are not signed.






Klein Kathleen - Score: 88.000
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